The Community Woods and Garden was established in 2013 by two local mums who wanted to ensure a green space which their kids could access. At that time the site was derelict and has since been brought to life by many dedicated volunteers. Over the years the Community Woods and Garden (previously know as Polbeth and West Calder Community Garden) has grown and developed in response to the needs for the local community. We now have lovely woodland trails, a flourishing growing space, a community workshop, and a wonderful team of volunteers.
In partnership with West Calder and Harburn Community Development Trust, the Community Woods and Garden now have a part time, dedicated staff team. We also work with the Community Wellbeing Link Worker who can provide additional support to individuals where necessary.

Vision: To be a financially sustainable centre, rooted in the community where local residents can increase their life skills, well-being and confidence through participation in a diverse range of engaging activities and support.
Mission: To provide a safe, friendly, inclusive space where everyone can grow.
Our Values
- Growth: To be a friendly organisation where members of the community can grow their friendships, skill-sets, and confidence.
- Green: To advocate the benefits of local produce, waste reduction and recycling and be environmental champions for our local community.
- Inclusion: To welcome everyone from different walks of life, providing an accessible, inclusive, and safe environment enabling every participant’s voice to be heard.
- Space: To help connect people to nature and give them the opportunity to find their own space whether that is a space to think, a space to be or a space to meet others.
The site is designed to encourage school, nurseries, and other groups to use the space regularly. We have an outdoor classroom and picnic area which are always accessible. We ask regular users to let us know when they plan to be on site to prevent clashes.
Our produce
All the food we grow is used within the local area. We supply the Community Shop at Polbeth Hub and the Brunch Club at West Calder Hub. We also use our produce to create delicious meals which we share together while teaching cooking skills.